Melissa Carpenter


Melissa Carpenter is an elementary and middle school band teacher in the Ann Arbor Public Schools, where she has taught since 2000.  She specializes in fitting students with special needs and modifying materials to help all students be successful in instrumental music.


AWESOME PowerPoint slide deck to go along with many beginner songs. These are perfect for introducing songs to beginners. The songs are in Sound Innovations specifically, but are also standards in many method books. Slide decks include: Au Claire De La Lune, Dreydl, Draydl, Frere Jacque, Good King Wenceslas, Hot Cross Buns, Jingle Bells, Lightly Row, Long, Long Ago, Mary Ann, Nobody's Home, Old MacDonald, Pieces of Eight, Sweetly Sings the Donkey, This Old Man, and Twinkling Star. Also included in the slides are links to play-along tracks, and hidden "Easter eggs" to keep the students attentive!