Dr. Steven Oare


Steve Oare is a professor of music education at Wichita State University and serves as chair of the Winds & Percussion area, and program director of the WSU Summer Kodály Program. Dr. Oare earned his Ph.D. in music education from Michigan State University. Prior degrees include a Master of Music in School Music and a Diploma of Fine Arts in the Kodály Method from the University of Calgary and a Bachelor of Music from the University of Idaho. Dr. Oare taught beginning through high school band and general music for 17 years, also serving as instrumental music team leader for North Thurston Public Schools. A woodwind specialist, Dr. Oare has served as the principal clarinetist in the Olympia Symphony Orchestra and the Northwest Wind Symphony, and as a saxophonist with the 22nd Avenue Dixieland Band and in his church worship team. Dr. Oare has conducted bands and string ensembles in Washington, Idaho, Michigan, Kansas, and Alberta, Canada.


Practicing: A four part video series for students about how to properly practice.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4: